
Individual Therapy

Individual therapy services are a type of counseling that helps people with a wide range of mental health issues. It usually involves one-on-one sessions between the client and a therapist, in which the client can discuss their thoughts, feelings, and experiences. The therapist works with the client to identify underlying causes of their issues, develop strategies to cope with their symptoms, and build healthier relationships. The goal of individual therapy is to help the client gain insight, learn new skills, and build resilience to manage the challenges they face. 

Family Therapy

Family therapy is a type of therapy that focuses on the family unit as a whole. It is designed to explore family dynamics and the relationship between family members and how it affects their lives. Family therapy services typically involve a therapist working with the family to identify unhealthy patterns of communication and behavior, as well as exploring ways to build healthier relationships and foster healthier communication. It can also help families cope with changes, crisis, and challenging life events. Family therapy may involve individual sessions with family members and/or group sessions with the whole family. The goal is to help family members understand and accept each other, and to learn how to work together to resolve conflicts and disagreements. 

Groups Therapy

Group therapy services involve providing support, guidance and advice to a group of people who are facing similar challenges. It is often used to help people cope with personal issues such as depression, anxiety, addiction and other mental health issues. The goal of group therapy is to give members an understanding of their individual issues, provide a safe and supportive environment for individuals to process their experiences, and to help members learn to support each other through difficult times. It may also involve discussing topics such as family dynamics, life transitions, and communication techniques. Group therapy services are typically led by a trained professional and can include both individual and group activities