Welcome to Laurel Helping Hands

We think of ourselves as the first line of call for individuals and families faced with mental and behavioral health challenges because we help our clients understand and cope with the mental illnesses and other behavior problems; we provide treatment services; and when the needs of an individual or family exceeds our scope of service, we support them through the process of finding and accessing the appropriate providers.  

We are committed to supporting healthy behaviors, promoting emotional growth, and improving interpersonal relationships.   

Laurel Helping Hands, commonly referred to as Helping Hands, is a community-focused, family-oriented mental health program started by the City of Laurel Helping Hands in 2017. As a Youth Service Bureau, we provide Counseling (individual and family), Information and referral, Substance Abuse screening and referral, and Crisis Intervention to youth, adults, and families. We serve all clients without discrimination, so regardless of your background, race, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, etc., you can receive the care and support you need. Our team of experienced counselors are here to help you on your journey to emotional and mental wellbeing.

Our Mission

Our mission is to strengthen families and help individuals thrive by equipping everyone in our community – youth, adults, and families – with the skills necessary to meet their developmental needs so that everyone can maximize their potential.  

What’s New at Helping Hands


 Established in 2017, Laurel Helping Hands is a community based, family-oriented counseling program dedicated to promoting responsible behavior and appropriate family management skills. Individuals and families may receive counseling services at scheduled times during the week. We also offer weekly group counseling services at local public schools.


At Helping Hands, we recognize that it takes a village, not only to raise a child, but to keep adults functioning at their best so we partner with and work alongside other agencies and organizations in our community. Here are some of the organizations in with whom we have relationships in our community:   

Laurel Helping Hands is bridging gaps in the community by partnering and working alongside the following entities: