Next Steps

Find a Therapist

· Rosalind C. Ceasar, LPC

· Brittny Sharrow, LGPC

· Luz Enriquez, LPC

· Frank Oliva, LGPC

Laurel Helping Hands accepts and trains graduate students who are in a counseling/social work-related program. If you are interested, please contact our agency. Student resumes are accepted in January and applicants are typically interviewed and accepted in February/March.

Counseling is provided by licensed mental health professionals and/or interns who are supervised by a licensed mental health professional

Request an Appointment

For faster response, please call our office directly at 240-294-1304.

First Name: *

Last Name: *

Best phone number to reach you: * (Please enter a valid phone number.)

Is it okay to leave you a message or text you at this number?

· Yes to voice messages & text

· Text me only

· No voice message or text, call only

· Other

Email: *

City and/or County of Residence: *

State of Residence: *

Type of Counseling you are looking for (please check all that apply): *

· Individual counseling for myself

· Individual counseling for my child (under age of 16)

· Marriage counseling

· Family counseling

· Other

Please briefly describe the type of services you are looking for (help with anxiety, someone with trauma experience, a female counselor, etc.):

Type of Insurance

In order to verify your insurance benefits for you and potentially secure an appointment for you faster, please provide us with the type of Insurance you have. You can skip this section and upload a copy of your insurance card below if that is easier.

Name of Insurance Carrier & Plan (i.e. CareFirst, Johns Hopkins, etc.). If you do not carry insurance, please type ‘none’: *

· Policy #:

· Group #:

· If you would like, you can upload a copy of your insurance card instead of typing in the information (not required):

How did you hear about us?

· Google

· Friend/Family

· PCP/Medical Professional Referred Me

· My insurance company

· Psychology Today website

· I’m a former patient of Safe Harbor

· Radio ad

· Pastor or church referred me (enter name below)

· Other